
Anish Thilagar

he / him

[my first name]@colorado.edu

About Me

I’m a 5th year PhD student in the CS Theory Group at CU Boulder, advised by Rafael Frongillo and Bo Waggoner. I am generally interested in theoretical machine learning, game theory, and algorithmic economics, with a focus on learning from strategic agents. I was previously an undergraduate at Caltech, where I majored in Math and Computer Science. In between, I spent 2 years at Google where I helped build and launch Vertex AI for structured data.


Forecasting Competitions

Efficient Competitions and Online Learning with Strategic Forecasters
Rafael Frongillo, Robert Gomez, Anish Thilagar, Bo Waggoner
[EC 2021] [arxiv]

Hedging and Approximate Truthfulness in Traditional Forecasting Competitions
Mary Monroe, Anish Thilagar, Melody Hsu, Rafael Frongillo
[AAAI 2025] [arxiv]

Forecasting Competitions with Correlated Events
Rafael Frongillo, Manuel Lladser, Anish Thilagar, Bo Waggoner
[AAAI 2025] [arxiv]

Surrogate Losses

Consistent Polyhedral Surrogates for Top-k Classification and Variants
Jessie Finocchiaro, Rafael Frongillo, Emma Goodwill, Anish Thilagar
[ICML 2022] [arxiv]

Calibration Conditions for Differentiable Surrogate Losses
Rafael Frongillo, Drona Khurana, Dhamma Kimpara, Anish Thilagar
In review